I intend this blog to be a mixture of my personal experiences with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and news related to MS. Hopefully, I can shed an optimistic light on MS even though it is difficult to be an optimist living with MS.

Monday, May 23, 2011


I have been very tired lately, exhausted actually.  I am not sure whether it is because I have been very busy at work, or not sleeping well, or if I am experiencing fatigue (an MS symptom).  Maybe it is a combination.  I haven't felt like I've slept really well in a while and work has my stress levels up, so it may not be the MS, but I wish it would stop.  I have little to no energy to even post on this blog, which is really pathetic because it isn't as though it takes a whole lot to do a little research and some typing.  That is how I have been feeling though, so I apologize for the delays between posts.  I will try to do better.

On another note, Wednesday (5/25) is WORLD MS DAY!  How will you celebrate? 


  1. even when you are tired and down, you leave this blog with a positive. Go you!

  2. Thanks, I do try to stay positive (it can be difficult at times though).
