I intend this blog to be a mixture of my personal experiences with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and news related to MS. Hopefully, I can shed an optimistic light on MS even though it is difficult to be an optimist living with MS.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Swim for MS

I got the following in an email from the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America:
Beat the heat this summer by diving into action with MSAA's coolest volunteer initiative: Swim for MS!

Swim for MS is a great way to incorporate everyone's interest in fun at the pool with a desire to help the MS community. Anyone who has access to a pool can participate and it is ideal for swimmers of all abilities.

We encourage you to discover just how easy and rewarding Swim for MS can be.

     * Be inspired by Laurieann's "Hart to Heart" personal challenge.

     * Younger swimmers may seek to beat Joshua's record of 500 cannonballs this summer.

     * Have a group of friends who want to help? Read about the "Sharks" Swim for MS.

Act now to register to Swim for MS this summer

Please take a moment to tell your friends and family about Swim for MS.
     * Forward this email to friends and family

     * Tweet Swim for MS

     * Post to your Facebook page

Please direct everyone to msassociation.org/SwimforMS

I encourage you to contact me directly with any questions you may have about Swim for MS.

Thank you for your immediate response to this email. In doing so you are helping the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America (MSAA) fulfill its mission to enrich the quality of life for everyone affected by multiple sclerosis (MS).

Happy swimming!
Malcolm Friend
Director of National Volunteer Services
Multiple Sclerosis Association of America
e: Malcolm@MSAssociation.org
p: (800) 532-7667, ext. 117

Swim for MS

If you are a swimmer or have children/grandchildren that will be spending the summer at the pool, maybe you/they would be interested in swimming for MS!  Check it out!

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